Do you know who the biggest company is that doesn't spend any money on advertising? No, you don't. And neither do I. And neither does anyone else. Because they're not advertising!
You have to get your brand's name out there for people to even know you exist. Maybe you've tried social media ads or radio ads and didn't get much response. What you need is a way to get your company name out there consistently in a way that people can't ignore.
So picture this. You're on the H-1 with hundreds of other cars, wishing to be anywhere but stuck in traffic again, when suddenly another vehicle catches your eye. In a sea of vehicles, the car with images and words stands out.
Fleet wraps work.
You've seen them, you remember them, but you've been dragging your feet on getting your own. I'm not going to sugarcoat it: while you hesitate, you're costing your business money and new customers. Stop putting off this important decision. Read these benefits of having a fleet wrap and consider what each one would mean for your business.
With an estimated 4,000 to 10,000 ads being thrown at a person every single day, most of us have learned to filter advertisements out.
We scroll past computer ads without really seeing them, we go to the bathroom during TV commercials, and many people are even willing to pay more per month to not have ads with their streaming service.
But in our cars, we can't avoid seeing another car. That means your company name, your website, and whatever you most want to tell people about your business is right there in front of them where they can't help but look at it.
Making your ad move (as it will while you drive) will get it 2.5 times the attention that a stationary billboard does. Sign spinners have become popular because their motion naturally attracts the eye. The same principle of motion applies, drawing people's attention to your vehicle, like a moving billboard. Custom fleet wraps have the advantage over sign spinners, though. A professionally done custom fleet wrap is more sophisticated than an employee dancing on the street.
At the same time as your commercial fleet wrap grabs attention, potential customers won't feel it is invasive, like other kinds of advertising can be.
Advertisers sometimes repel customers through obnoxious, loud, and encroaching ads. But a car on the road is not invading the space of the viewer (assuming the driver is driving well). There isn't the same feeling of annoyance as a consumer might have with a redundant radio jingle or an ad in the middle of their online video. Fleet car wraps are an unobtrusive way to advertise to your community.
People feel more comfortable doing business with companies they recognize the brand of. Even if they've never done business with you before, if they remember the name, they're more likely to do business with you. The "Rule of 7" in marketing refers to a prospective customer needing to see or hear about your company 7 times before they make a purchase. With fleet truck wraps, customers have the chance to see your brand more often. Every time they see it, it gets them one step closer to that lucky 7th time. Sure, if you have a sign or storefront graphics, it does the same thing. But while your storefront is stationary, you can drive your mobile billboard from Hanauma Bay to the North Shore, introducing your brand to people who might never drive past your store.
Nobody likes a commute. It feels like time you could be used in so many other ways. But with commercial fleet wraps, every drive you take becomes valuable marketing time, introducing potential customers to your brand. Even when you're stuck in a rush-hour traffic jam or catching every red light between home and your office, none of your time is wasted because your vehicle is working for you. And when your car is parked, it's still doing your marketing. While you're at home, work, the movies, or the grocery store, your car is outside getting your brand in front of people.
It doesn't matter if you're selling spam musubi or a house cleaning service; if you have a chain of stores or a stand at the swap meet. Fleet vehicle wraps work for every kind of business. Even politicians like Joe Akana have used and benefited from them. Whatever your line of work, the one thing that helps all businesses is letting the world know you exist, which is exactly what a fleet wrap does for you.
Even if your business was doing fine and you didn't feel like you needed more customers paying you more money (which would be an unusual thing for any business owner to feel), I would still recommend getting your car a custom wrap. Not only is it good for business, but it's also good for your car and cheaper than high-quality paint. A custom, quality paint job for your car costs an average of just under $5,000. But a vinyl wrap costs only half that much and lasts longer, too. Already it's a better deal, but fleet vehicle wraps will also attract business, making you money back on your investment. A standard paint job, no matter how nice, will never do that for you.
You never know who you will be passing with your mobile billboard. It could be the next driver you pass is someone who has been looking for a business like yours. Your advertisement will be the answer they've been looking for. Your potential customers are driving around Oahu right now. You need to get out there, too, and let them know you exist.
Don't put this off anymore. Get your fleet wraps now!
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